Just wanted to fill you in on our progress with getting Jayden sleeping through the night. We did start it a couple of weeks ago and didn't even get passed the 1st night. He cried for a solid hour with me checking on him every 5 min and he never calmed down. I wasn't sure how long he was supposed to cry before he would fall asleep so I just gave in and nursed him. And of course he went right to sleep and woke up again in 4 hrs. I waited 1o min before I went in the room and just layed in his room to see if he would calm down. I went back and forth from my room to his w/i an hr's time and he just wouldn't have it. So once again I gave in. The next day I was a little distraught from hearing Jayden scream and from also giving into his cries. I was so determined that I wanted him sleeping through the night that I was willing to do whatever it took to get him passed this. I just wasn't really prepared for him to cry that much. With Ethan it was 3o min tops and we had it perfected within 2 days. So needless to say I haven't tried this method in a couple of weeks.
When I went in for his 9 month check up I asked the doctor's opinion just to get reassurance and he said it could take up to 3 hrs of him crying like that. Once I get passed that point it will get better. Ugh it's soo hard. Especially when it's 2 am. But he also said that they usually stop after 2 hrs and it will get easier each time you do it.
So after reviewing the information on how to sleep train your child, I realized that it will prob be better for my husband to do more then me. One reason is that Jayden knows that Ish can't give him milk so maybe he won't cry as long. We'll see. I think we're going to try it again this weekend. It's definitely easier said then done. I just continue to pray for strength each time. The thing is, not only is it satisfying for me to get 8hrs of uninterrupted sleep again but it's also better for him. Babies need their sleep. And they always act better when they get the rest they need. So I'll try and keep you posted on our progress!! Pray for us!
Yummy Yummy
14 years ago