Friday, August 20, 2010

Where I'm at

How far along? 22 weeks

Weight gain? 6 lbs this month! ahh those chicken wings are catching up on me!

Maternity clothes: a few items but I was able to button my size 7 jeans yesterday and was pretty excited about that haha

Sleep: Still sleeping like a baby and enjoying while it lasts!

Stretch marks: Yep still got em and apparently this Arbonne cream I bought is NOT working!

Best moment of this week: Teaching Ethan how to give an eskimo kiss. He thought it was the funniest thing. Very cute!

Movement: Definitely starting to feel little kicks here and there but nothing like I what I was feeling with Jayden at this point. However I did the baby being very active during the ultrasound yesterday.

Food cravings: This week I have actually been eating some salads with fruit. I am really liking the new apple chicken salad at Wendy's believe it or not! And sneaking a few brownies and chips ahoy every now and then. Still liking those cheeseburgers and fries too :)

What I'm looking forward to: Getting the rooms all prepared for the baby. We are putting the baby in Jayden's room so we have some adjusting to do with the furniture. We also need to get another dresser for all these clothes!

"Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well."

It's a boy!

As I was watching the nurse take measurements of the baby's head, legs, etc. I kept thinking that I was going to see that it was a boy. I was kindof hoping that I wouldn't see that "turtle" as they call it. But as soon as she scanned over to his bottom, there it was lol. I was completely shocked because I was really thinking that it was going to be a girl this time. You see, because we have gotten pregnant so quickly with Ethan and Jayden, we were wanting to be done at 3 kids. Ish and I both really want a girl and so we told ourselves if it was a girl we were going to be done, but if it was a boy we were going to have try again. Looks like God has a different plan for us. We'll see where it leads us!

Although I was hoping for a change of pace and really looking forward to buying all those cute dresses, I realize that the season of life that we are in right now just makes sense for us to have a boy. Times are tough so it's nice that we won't need to do any extra baby shopping. Except I really want a video monitor this time! I'm hoping we can at least get that and stock up on some diapers :)
We are definitely excited to be bringing in another boy into this family of ours. I'm hoping there's going to be a lot of fishing trips with daddy in the future so I can do some shopping :)
I am truly blessed that God is allowing us to raise 3 Godly men one day. We're going to need as many Godly men in this crazy world as we can! I'm kindof already starting to feel the pressure so it's definitely going to take a lot of prayer so that my boys will grow up to be great leaders for Christ. I definitely believe that God gives you the children that you need and that you can handle. I never thought I could handle more than 2 boys but apparently I can!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What's it going to be??

Boy or Girl?

What's your guess?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

18 weeks prego

So I am finally blogging about my 3rd pregnancy. Up to this point there really hasn't been much to say other than the nausea and lack of energy. Now that I'm 18 weeks along I am finally over the sick feeling but I still don't have any energy. I find myself eating chocolate or drinking a coke just for a quick fix of caffeine just so I can get through the afternoon with some kindof energy. As expected, it works for maybe an hour. Sleep is the only thing that will give me the energy I need to keep the house clean and of course taking care of my 2 boys. But most of the time sleep doesn't happen, especially when Ethan fights me on napping.
Anyway, a friend of mine did a cute way of blogging about her 2nd pregnancy by listing the main facts about her pregnancy and I really liked it so I thought I would steal her idea!

How far along? 18 weeks

Weight gain? 5 lbs! I can't remember how fast or slow I gained with my others but to me that sounds scary!

Maternity clothes: Not quite yet. Most of my pants are uncomfortable to wear but I bought a belly band so that I could put it over my unbuttoned pants. I'm still in the stage where maternity pants are a little too big.

Sleep: Great if my other 2 don't wake me up!

Stretch marks: I stopped caring after I had Ethan. He already put his marks on me so at this point it can't get much worse.

Best moment of this week: Jayden is getting more and more active. We had just gotten to the beach house we are staying for the week and we were all outside on the deck just playing around. As Ethan is running around in circles Jayden is just chasing him and around and laughing. But this time he opened his mouth so wide and took a huge breath inward and it looked like he was just laughing histerically. It was definitely a cute moment!

Movement: A few flutters here and there but the most I felt was in the middle of the night like it did a complete flip. Always a cool feeling when you think about it :)

Food cravings: Lots and lots of french fries, buffaloe wings, chocolate ice cream, coke, blueberry muffins

What I'm looking forward to: Find out whether its a boy or girl! I really want a girl to help balance out this craziness in our household but I have a feeling it's going to be another boy. My chances of having a girl is very slim!

"Your baby is 5 1/2" long (about the size of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He busy flexing his arms and legs--movements that you'll start noticing more and more the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they are still standing out from his head a bit. If its a girl then her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hay hide them from during an utltrasound."