It's been about 5 days now that Ethan is only waking up once a night to feed. It has been wonderful! I can't believe that he's been doing so well. I really hope that he sticks with this and that this isn't just a faze. Now all I have to do is try and eliminate that one feeding...that should be fun! Ethan finally turned over from his stomach to back the other day and I missed it! I had put him on his tummy and turned my head for a second and saw that he had flipped over onto his back. I was so excited and tried to get him to do it again but he didn't. Finally today I put him on his tummy a couple of times and each time he rolled onto his back. Now he just needs to roll from his back to his tummy. Ethan is also grabbing his feet now all the time. I had been waiting for him to do that and last week he started doing it. Finally! I can't wait to see what new thing he's going to do next. Everyday it seems to be something!