Tuesday, May 6, 2008

5 months and sleeping good!

Hallelujah! Ethan has been sleeping through the night now for a couple of days now. I think I have finally trained him to not want to eat every 3 hrs in the middle of the night. It definitley took a lot of patience and prayer. When he would wake up I would just give him his paci and just pray that he would go back to sleep. So now, if he wakes up he can pretty much fall back asleep on his own. So proud of my little boy! And the best thing is that it's soley on breastmilk. So now I know that breastfed babies can sleep through the night, it just takes a little extra work getting them on a good sleeping schedule. Now our next milestone will be getting him to eat cereal or oatmeal. He hasn't perfected it yet and still is not interested so I'm hoping that he'll eventually enjoy it.
One more thing, Ethan is sitting up pretty good now on his own. He still tumbles over every once in a while but he loves to sit up and play with his toys. Can't believe he is 5 months old! Time is flying by so fast!!

1 comment:

  1. I happen to see your blog and wanted to comment on your baby sleeping through the night. My baby just turned 4 months old today and has been sleeping through the night since he was 9 weeks old.

    I will pass along the advice that someone gave to me that really helped alot. If your child is healthy and gaining weight at the proper weight than there is no metabolic need for your child to eat at night other than by want only.

    If you are feeding every three hours doing the day then once you put him down for the last time let him sleep until he wakes you up. Now that he is five months it might be harder you to do this because he is so used to getting up.

    We usually start our day around 7am and our last feeding is around 9 or so and he is passed out cold by 10 pm.

    Your little boy is a cutie. I will keep you in my prayers as I know sleep is a precious thing for us mothers.
