My little boy Ethan! He is just changing everyday...sometimes it's for the good, but there are times that I'm wondering what in the world is going on. Last week he went through this stage of not taking naps. It's like he just went on strike and refused to sleep in his crib. It was frustrating at times because you could tell that he was so tired and that he needed his rest. I was beginning to think that he was trying to cut out one of his naps, but then I was also thinking that maybe it was because he was teething and it was causing him to act like a different child. Who knows..but, this week has been a little better.
Teeth. Now that's an interesting story. I feel like Ethan has been teething for 6 months. For months I would see signs that he was teething but no teeth ever showed up. Finally at 10 months old he has started getting his first 2 teeth in. I was so excited because I have been waiting for them to come through for so long. BUT, those 2 teeth have been sitting in the same spot for like 3 weeks now. I thought that they would just pop on out and whala! but no, they haven't grown any and it seems it's taking forever. I just wish he would get his teeth in so he can start eating real food. He can chew a lot with his gums but there are just somethings that I know he won't be able to chew. So while most 10 month olds are eating chicken, noodles, pizza, etc. my baby is still eating smashed jar food. I just hope his teeth will come in by the time he turns a year old! At this rate, we may only have 2 teeth by then :)
On another exciting note, Ethan has started pulling himself up more. He's definitely getting more brave every time he does it. A couple of times he lets go and falls back and hits his head. And when he does, he lets you know that he is not happy! I guess he hasn't figured out that he has to hold on to things in order to stay standing. It's definitely cute seeing him stand up like a big boy. He's so tiny so it looks funny seeing this baby crawl and walk around (with mommy's help of course.)
Although we may struggle with Ethan's wonderful sleeping habits and still might have trouble getting him to eat his baby food, I remind myself that he's not going to last this way forever! These are just minor things in his life and I need to not worry about it so much and just enjoy being Ethan's mom. He definitely keeps me on my toes and some days, I am just exhausted! But no matter what, I love our happy and adventurous little boy and I can't imagine my life without him! He is the happiest baby and is always smiling. When I'm in the grocery store or shopping, Ethan is constantly getting attention from men and women. He just smiles at them and tries to act shy. You can tell that he loves the attention just like his daddy. Well once Ethan finally gets those teeth to pop on through I'll let you know!