Sunday, October 19, 2008

Up before the crack of dawn!

So I am writing this post at 4:45 am in the morning. Crazy huh? Ethan woke up around 3:30 for his bottle as usual and so I got up, fixed it, gave it to him and went back to bed. Not too long afterwards, he started crying again. This is unusual because normally when we give him his bottle, he'll just go back to sleep. I went in his room and quickly made another bottle because I thought he just didn't get enough milk. I tried giving it to him but he just pushed it away. I picked him up and tried calming him down but no success. My only guess was that his teeth were bothering him. Eventually Ish came in the room because Ethan just wouldn't settle back down. So I changed him and Ish just talked to him and held him and he started to calm down. We layed him back in his crib and gave him his bottle again and he took it. Success! So we went back to bed. Well at this point it was about 4:30 and Ish and I were wide awake. We could still here Ethan moaning as he drank his bottle and was just waiting for him to fall back asleep. He then started talking and within seconds he was quiet. It was funny because Ish and I weren't really saying anything to each other because we were trying to go back to sleep. Finally Ish said he was wide awake and I was too. He decided to get up and go watch tv downstairs and I was going to force myself to fall back asleep. As soon as Ish turned to stair light on, Ethan sat up in his crib with excitement. Ish of course goes into his room to mess with him. At this point I am still in bed trying to go back to sleep and all I hear is Ethan laughing and babbling. I was starting to get mad because I had thought Ish woke him up and I guess he technically did by turning the light on. Well at this point I could tell there was no way Ethan was going to go back to sleep with all this excitement going on. So that led me to getting up and getting on the computer while Ish is entertaining Ethan downstairs. I can honestly say that this has never happened before and it is very strange to me. I guess I'm not too worried because I know he'd normally be waking up in a couple of hours anyways and it may be a good thing so that he can get an early nap in before we go to church. And usually he needs a nap before we go to church but it can be very difficult some Sundays. So maybe having him up at 4:45 in the morning might not be so bad afterall. Of course if I wasn't wide awake I'd be thinking differently. Happy sleeping everyone!


  1. yikes girl! Scary to think the crazy baby hours don't end! Brogan is still getting up 4 times every night. I was looking to you for some encouragement! :) Was Ethan more tired throughout the day?

  2. Ethan hasn't been a very good sleeper from the beginning. I did make the mistake of letting him sleep a lot during the day when he was a newborn. I know now what to do with the next one..keep them awake! When I was nursing he woke up a lot during the night. It started to get better around 5 months and all the vacations we had messed it all up. Then when I put him on the bottle it really messed him up. Now he won't sleep without a bottle which can be aggravating at times. Most children are sleeping through the night by this time and you might not have any problems but Ethan has never slept good. Sometimes I wonder if he'll ever get through the night...I pray about it everyday! Hang in there-he's still young.
