Shew! What a day! Today started off with me waking up with a scratchy throat. For some reason, when my throat hurts, my whole body hurts. Not sure why that is...Anway, Ish had to work a wedding this afternoon so he ended up leaving around 11:30 which meant I had to come up with something to keep the boys occupied. You'd think it wouldn't be such a big deal since I'm home with them everyday but for some reason the weekends are different. It's like they know that their daddy is supposed to be there and when he isn't, they go completely haywire. So, after lunch went for a walk in the neighborhood in their wagon. At the corner of our street, a church was having a mini carnival that seemed to be open to the public. I decided to take the boys and check it out. They had lots of different games for kids to play and win prizes and free snow cones, cotton candy, and popcorn. Ethan was so overwhelmed by all the other children that it was really hard to get him to focus on something. Half the time he would just stand and stare. I did manage to get him to play a few games but like I said, he just wasn't his hyper self. Meanwhile, Jayden was getting very ansy just sitting in the wagon. Right now he's at the stage that he wants to walk everywhere but has to hold on to me. This can be a little challenging when trying to get Ethan to follow me when Jayden just wants to take off. If I take control, Jayden always throws a fit. That boy loves to have his way and if he doesn't get it, then watch out.
After playing a few games and getting some prizes, I thought I'd let Ethan try some cotton candy for the 1st time. Suprisingly he wasn't a fan. I tried giving some to Jayden but he just thought it was fuzz and threw it down. So, that meant more for me! Then I thought I'd get him a snow cone to see if he'd like that but Ethan wasn't interested. While I was getting Ethan's attention to get back in the wagon, I had sat the snow cone in the cupholder. Well I shouldve known better b/c Jayden got into it. Instead of him trying to drink it, he decided to put his hands in it and throw the ice all over his pants. What a mess he was! Good thing the house was just a block down the road b/c that's where we headed after that incident. Once we got home I had to clean Jayden up so I took him inside. This is when he threw a major tantrum that I've never seen him do. It was so bad that I couldn't even hold him b/c of how he was throwing his body. So, I figured he was extremely tired and needed to go down for a nap. Once I put him down, me and Ethan got our bathing suits on and headed to the back yard.
Ethan loves to play with water and especially loves the water hose. So I got my lounge chair out and handed him the water hose and let him at it while I soaked up some rays. This was the only relaxing part of my day and little did I know that I shouldve enjoyed it more.
Well to make a very long story a little shorter, Ethan didn't take his afternoon nap and in the midst of getting him to sleep, he woke up Jayden. Then for the past 2 hrs it's like my body just shut down. My throat started to really bother me and all I wanted to do was lay down but this wasn't going to happen. So out of frustration, I packed a diaper bag, got the boys shoes on and loaded them into the car. Went to McD's and got a frappe (which they taste just like starbucks but $2 cheaper) and we headed to the park. It was the best decision I had. All of us needed some fresh air apparently. We didn't stay very long b/c Jayden started to get cranky again b/c of his lack of a long nap. So we headed back home and I started to cook dinner. Tried laying Jayden down...not happening. The boys ate dinner, bathed them and both of them acted very sleepy. It was only 6:30 when I tried putting them to bed. I was just thinking that they would for sure go to bed, but I was wrong. So we read some books, watched some tv, played a little and tried again. Because Ethan was upset, it kept Jayden up so attempt #2 didn't work either. Brought them both down, gave them a snack and some juice and tried again. This time I put Jayden down 1st and let him get settled. Success! Then I managed to clean up the kitchen while Ethan watched a movie. When it was over...layed him down and finally at 8:30, he was asleep. A sigh of relief. There's nothing like the feeling of peace after a very long day that seemed to have one bad thing after another.
So do I miss my husband at times like these? You betcha! Thank goodness everyday isn't like this and I definitely was being tested. I'm just thankful that I have my Savior who I can go to in these stressful times and pray to get through them!
Good night everybody!