Ethan: 26 months old
New words and phrases he's saying:
See you later, Look, Big truck, blue car, hey baby, sleep, shh (when he sees someone closing their eyes whether its on tv or in a book), you ok? (to Jayden when he falls), Nanny, Papa, Ewe (whenever he sees a bug or spider, hears a burp or toot), Oh no!, Fly, Chair, door, ok, yes sir, pleas, thank you, sorry, milk, book, Boz, airplane, bus, cheerios, cookie, chip, cracker, banana, apple, soup
Some fun & interesting facts about him:
As soon as Ethan wakes up, the 1st words that come out of his mouth is "juice". He hands me all 3 of his blankets, puts his arms up and we head downstairs. I sit him in his chair, fix him either juice or milk, hand him his blankets and turn on either Sesame street or Mickey mouse. He drinks his juice while I prepare his breakfast. We do this same routine EVERYDAY. And if I ever try and change it up by changing his diaper 1st thing, he throws a fit. So..I wait until his belly is full and then we proceed with the diaper change.
He LOVES cars and right now is obsessed with the movie cars. He usually just points to the tv and says "Cars" so if I don't want him watching it, I have to quickly change his mind on something else. He has also got quite a collection of cars from the movie as well. Whenever he plays with his cars, he likes to line them up and push them around. He'll line them up on the kitchen table, the couch, the floor, the bed, the chair, and the toilet seat. Basically wherever I am, there they are. Sometimes it gets a little aggravating when we have to go upstairs because he wants to bring his cars with him. I can't just bring a few of them, I have to bring ALL of them. For a while there, I was stuffing them in my pockets and sweatshirt pouch just so I could have my hands free while carrying Jayden and holding Ethan's hand going up the stairs. It was quite a challenge. We finally got him a case where he can put all his cars in and this has helped so much. So whenever he wants to take them up or down stairs, he has to put them all in this case and we bring it down. The boy has lots of toys but majority of the time he just plays with his matchbox cars.
Ethan has been in his big bed since before Christmas. He had no problem transitioning into it and seemed to really like it. For a couple of months he did really well with staying in bed and not getting out. Well just recently he's been testing his boundaries. For the past 2 weeks he's been getting out of his bed at night and coming into our room. We have very squeaky floors so I can always hear him creeping in. He just stands there at the bed and waits for Ish to pick him up. Ish is usually out of it and doesn't want to deal with putting him back in bed so he'll let him sleep wi andth us. I'm ok with it every now and then but when it starts to happen every night I have to put my foot down. So when I hear him coming out of his room, I quickly get up and just pick him up and rock him a little and put him back to bed. He usually doesn't cry and goes back to sleep.
Things that I love that he does:
Tilts his head down when I tell him to give me a kiss
The way he laughs when he's watching a movie and thinks it's funny.
Dances whenever he hears music on his kid shows or a commercial on tv
Talks on his cellphone and laughs
When he says Mama and gives me a hug
Says he's sorry and hugs me after he's been in timeout
These are just a few things about my little man that I love about him. Hope you enjoyed my rambling on about him.