Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Apples to oranges

Jayden 10 months old (2/2010)

Ethan 10 months old (10/2007)

I am super blessed to have such wonderful boys in my life. As Jayden is getting older and his personality is forming, I can't help but to compare him to Ethan. I've realized that my 2 boys are completely different. I love that they both have such unique qualities about them. It's so funny to see how different they look and act. Ethan is a spitting image of Ishmael and Jayden favors my mom's side of the family. At least that's what people tell me. I honestly still don't know who Jayden looks like but his pictures do favor mine and my mom's baby pictures.
They also act completely different. Ethan has always been super hyper and I could never predict how his attitude would be. Jayden however is very easy going and predictable. Of course he has his moments as do all kids but for the most part he's always happy and kindof quiet. He is aslo my cuddler and loves to hang on his mama. 
Jayden's milestones:
Right now Jayden is crawling around, pulling and standing up, eating finger foods, drinking a bottle, and almost sleeping through the night. He will eat just about anything you put in front of him. He loves green beans, pizza, puffs, cheerios, and of course whatever we're eating he'll eat.  Jayden loves to explore and spends most his time crawling around then with playing with his toys. He has just recently started mimicking Ethan by pushing the cars around. That's if Ethan allows him to play with them for a while. I've been teaching Jayden sing language for about 4 months now and he's still hasn't picked up on it but I want to say it took Ethan a while to learn. And by then he was talking as he did it. I was kindof hoping that Jayden could learn it a little quicker so that I wouldn't have to go through that stage where he can't communicate to me like Ethan did. That was a rough season =)
Anyway, I'm loving how my precious boys are growing up to be so different. They both have the sweetest hearts and lots of love to give. I love being their mother and just hope that me and Ish can mold them into great men of God someday. With that said, good night =)